- About this Site
- Recommended environment
- Site Policy
About this Site
- (1) Search by Course: Search for educational materials by keyword or by filter here.
- (2) Search by Playlist: Here, you can search for playlists by category
- (3) Copyright Material: You can check the terms and conditions for the contents of this site here
- (4) What is OpenCourseWare?: We offer an explanation of this website here.
- (5) About This Site: Check out how to use the website on this page.
- (6) News: Check here for news and information.
How to search for courses
Search by keyword (for this website)
Enter a keyword into the search bar at the upper-right corner of the screen and press enter. Courses which match with the keyword you entered will be displayed.
Search by category
Click on the “Search by Course” button on the top of the page.
From there, please select the keyword or category that most accurately represents the type of course you wish to search for. Courses which match with the keyword or category you have chosen will be displayed.
<Searching by Keyword>
<Searching by Category>
Advanced Search
At the search results page, the following 5 filtration options will be displayed. Using these options will allow you to search for resources with greater precision.
- (1) Filter by Title: Filter courses by keywords included in the course title.
- (2) Filter by Content: Filter courses by keywords included in the course information
- (3) Filter by Instructor: Filter courses by instructor name.
- (4) Filter by Year of Release: Filter courses by the year in which they were made public.
- (5) Filter by tag: Filter resources by the tags attached to the course.
How to view courses
Playing the video
First, press the “play button” located in the middle of the video page. The video from the course or playlist you have chosen will then begin to play. If you wish to see more, either pick out a new video from the select video section on the right side of the screen or press the “play next” button.
Video page layout
1. Course-viewing page
- (1) Video play screen
- (2) Course-video list
- (3) Course information
- (4) Course-video select
2. Playlist-viewing page
- (1) Video play screen
- (2) Video playlist
- (3) Playlist description
- (4) Playlist-video select
Recommended Browser Settings for PC Users
【For Microsoft Windows Users】
- Internet Explorer v. 11.0 or newer (for Windows 7~10 Users)
- Firefox (Most Recent Edition)
- Google Chrome (Most Recent Edition)
【For Mac OS Users】
- Safari (Most Recent Edition)
Recommended Browswer Settings for Smartphone Users
- Standard iOS Browswer (Safari) Version 6.1. or newer
- Standard Android Browswer Version 4.1 or newer
Downloading Adobe® Reader™
All users who wish to read PDF files will need to download Adobe Reader. Users can download and install the newest version of Adobe Reader (free version) from Adobe’s website.
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Site Policy
Basic Information
Whenever personal information is requested on this website, the intended use for this personal information will always be clearly displayed. Personal information collected on this website will not be used for purposes outside of those explicitly stated on the website. Exceptions to this policy will only be made in cases wherein consent has been given in advance by the relevant party, or in cases wherein legal/public interest has necessitated the disclosure of this information to the relevant authorities.
Concerning Copyright
All copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property hosted on this website are either registered to Hokkaido University or the original source of the relevant information. For more information concerning the terms and conditions for the materials made available on this website, please check the “Copyright materials” page for more information.
Exemption from Liability
Any and all third parties involved in the construction, creation, or management of this site can in no way, shape, or form be held responsible for any punitive damages, financial costs, loss of assets, debts, or any other forms of liability that come about as a result of user access to this site, regardless of whether these liabilities happened as a direct, incidental, indirect, or consequent side-effect of accessing this site. Moreover, we are unable to guarantee the factual correctness of the content of any of the materials hosted on this site. We are also unable to guarantee that these materials will meet the individual needs of our users’ particular goals. We are also exempt from any responsibility should the user’s computer (or other devices) become infected with a virus as a result of downloading from this website.
Web links
You will find links to any page at any section of our website. Now, please keep in mind that certain links are liable to change or be deleted without notice. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.