Models matter.Scientists spend substantial amounts of time building,testing and revising models,and significant parts of many journal articles are concerned with exploring their features.We begin our discussion by distinguishing between three different kinds of models: representational models,models of theory,and data models.The focus of this lecture are representational models.These models stand for a selected part or aspect of the world,their target system.This raises the question what it means for a model to represent a target system.We introduce the DEKI account of representation to answer this question.We begin by tracing the origins of the DEKI account in the notion of “representation as” due to Goodman and Elgin,and we spell out its core elements: denotation,exemplification,and the difference between a Z-representation and representation of a Z.We then turn to scientific models and introduce the additional elements that are needed to explain how models represent: interpretation,exemplification under an interpretation,and imputation via a key.This leads to the DEKI account of representation,which is named after its core elements: denotation,exemplification,keying-up,and imputation.We then discuss seven open questions for DEKI that can be the focus of future research.
‘Understanding Scientific Representation’,keynote lecture of the conference ‘Science and Model’,Hokkaido University,February 2023.
主催:科研費研究(基盤研究 B)「統計学的観点を加味した科学哲学による「科学的推論」教育プログラムの構築」(課題番号:20H01736)
‘Understanding Scientific Representation’,
keynote lecture of the conference ‘Science and Models’,
Hokkaido University,February 2023.
Roman Frigg (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Opening year:2023
Literature/Thought/Language, Physical Sciences/Natural Sciences |
Lecture Date:2024年1月10日 |
This educational material is funded by a grant-in-aid for the research project under the auspices of the Office of President,Hokkaido University.
In this lecture,we consider ethical issues in research,or research ethics. It is available to everyone for research ethics education.
As an example of how to use this material,you can watch [Research Ethics] in preparation or at the beginning of class,and then conduct a flipped class in which students discuss [Imaginary Cases] in groups.
[Problem Solving Learning in Research Ethics] explains the concept behind examining the cases. It is intended to be viewed in preparation or by the discussion facilitator to prepare for the class.
[Research Ethics]
1. Introduction
2. What is Research?
3. Ethics of Research,Ethics in Research
4. Research Ethics
5. Research Misconduct
6. Three Attitudes towards Research Ethics
7. Tests for Judgement of an Act
8. Imaginary Case
9. Conclusion
>> Lecture Materials
[Research Ethics : Imaginary Cases]
Case 1: ‘Research Methods’
Case 2: ‘An ‘Old-Fashioned’ Mentor’
Case 3: ‘Career and Funding’
Case 4: ‘Good Mentee,Bad Mentor?’
Case 5: ‘Media-savvy Intellectual?’
Case 6: ‘Troublesome Boss’
>> Lecture Materials
[Problem Solving Learning in Research Ethics]
1. Introduction
2-1. What are the Ethics Tests?
2-2. How to Use the Ethics Tests 1: Steps 1 and 2
2-3. How to Use the Ethics Tests 2: Steps 3-6 on No Paper Problem
2-4. How to Use the Ethics Tests 2: Steps 3-6 on No Money Problem
3. Conclusion
4. Summary
>> Lecture Materials
Shunzo Majima PhD(Reseach Fellow Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy Graduate School of Letters Hokkaido University as of 2016)
Opening year:2016
English, Ethics, Faculty of Letters, Literature/Thought/Language, Research Ethics, 倫理学, 研究倫理 |
Lecture Date:2023年4月5日 |