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Establishment of a New Nuclear Education Hub for the Future Society through Enhanced Institutional Collaboration

“RPHA-XP General at UTR-KINKI”

■Lecture Contents
All materials for the “RPHA-XP General at UTR-KINKI” are available under a Restricted Materials License.
Overview of University Training and Research (UTR) Reactor in Kindai University,Japan
Approach to criticality
Control rod calibration
Measurements of subcriticality
Reactor operation (in UTR core)
* International Nuclear Human Resource Development Initiative:This project is being implemented as part of the “Establishment of a New Nuclear Education Hub for the Future Society through Enhanced Institutional Collaboration” under the International Nuclear Human Resource Development Initiative, a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), with the aim of providing learning opportunities and improving educational methods in the nuclear energy field.


Cheol Ho Pyeon (Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science,Kyoto University (KURNS),Japan)

Opening year:2023 Tags: English, Graduate School of Engineering, 原子力人材育成 Lecture Date:2024年10月24日

Establishment of a New Nuclear Education Hub for the Future Society through Enhanced Institutional Collaboration

“RPHA-XP Fundamental at KUCA”

■Lecture Contents
All materials for the “RPHA-XP Fundamental at KUCA” are available under a Restricted Materials License.
Exponential experiments Topic 1 Measurements of spatial decay constant (by He-3 detector)
Topic 2 Measurements of reaction rates (by activation foil method)
Topic 3 Measurements of uranium enrichment
* International Nuclear Human Resource Development Initiative:This project is being implemented as part of the “Establishment of a New Nuclear Education Hub for the Future Society through Enhanced Institutional Collaboration” under the International Nuclear Human Resource Development Initiative, a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), with the aim of providing learning opportunities and improving educational methods in the nuclear energy field.


Cheol Ho Pyeon (Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science,Kyoto University (KURNS),Japan)

Opening year:2024 Tags: English, Graduate School of Engineering, 原子力人材育成 Lecture Date:2024年10月16日





ロブ ナイジェル(北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院)

Opening year:2023 Tags: Communication, English, General Education Courses, Graduate School of International Media, Reading history Lecture Date:2023年8月24日




a. ウェブ上で無料公開されている学習者向け辞書
b. MacoSに内蔵されている辞書、辞書.app
c. iPadOS、ioSに内蔵されている辞書
d. 有料の辞書
e. ウェブブラウザの拡張機能としてインストールできる無料の辞書
f. Kindleで使える辞書

a. NHKラジオ第2
b. リアルタイムで聴けなくても、聴き逃しで1週間聴ける

a. OED (Oxford English Dictionary)
からOxford English Dictionaryを引くことができます。





土永 孝(北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院)

Opening year:2022 Tags: English, Japanese, General Education Courses, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies Lecture Date:2023年6月8日


This educational material is funded by a grant-in-aid for the research project under the auspices of the Office of President,Hokkaido University.
In this lecture,we consider ethical issues in research,or research ethics. It is available to everyone for research ethics education.


As an example of how to use this material,you can watch [Research Ethics] in preparation or at the beginning of class,and then conduct a flipped class in which students discuss [Imaginary Cases] in groups.
[Problem Solving Learning in Research Ethics] explains the concept behind examining the cases. It is intended to be viewed in preparation or by the discussion facilitator to prepare for the class.


[Research Ethics]
1. Introduction
2. What is Research?
3. Ethics of Research,Ethics in Research
4. Research Ethics
5. Research Misconduct
6. Three Attitudes towards Research Ethics
7. Tests for Judgement of an Act
8. Imaginary Case
9. Conclusion
>> Lecture Materials


[Research Ethics : Imaginary Cases]
Case 1: ‘Research Methods’
Case 2: ‘An ‘Old-Fashioned’ Mentor’
Case 3: ‘Career and Funding’
Case 4: ‘Good Mentee,Bad Mentor?’
Case 5: ‘Media-savvy Intellectual?’
Case 6: ‘Troublesome Boss’
>> Lecture Materials


[Problem Solving Learning in Research Ethics]
1. Introduction
2-1. What are the Ethics Tests?
2-2. How to Use the Ethics Tests 1: Steps 1 and 2
2-3. How to Use the Ethics Tests 2: Steps 3-6 on No Paper Problem
2-4. How to Use the Ethics Tests 2: Steps 3-6 on No Money Problem
3. Conclusion
4. Summary
>> Lecture Materials


Shunzo Majima PhD(Reseach Fellow Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy Graduate School of Letters Hokkaido University as of 2016)

Opening year:2016 Tags: English, Ethics, Faculty of Letters, Literature/Thought/Language, Research Ethics, 倫理学, 研究倫理 Lecture Date:2023年4月5日


# 国際セミナー

講義:Fallout radionuclide migration in the surface soil and estimation of uptake of 137Cs in the xylem of tree: Comparison of Fukushima with Nagasaki and Nancy(馬原保典先生 ※旧所属 京都大学)



馬原保典先生(※旧所属 京都大学)

Opening year:2015- Tags: English, Inter-Faculty Classes, University Wide Undergraduate Education Program, Engineering/Information Lecture Date:2021年1月29日


Original Video Materials:
General Introduction: Reading for Communication
Unit 1 Grammar Matters
Unit 2 Dictionary Helps
Unit 3 Sentence Connector (1): The
Unit 4 Working with Chunks
Unit 5 Hypothetically Speaking
Unit 6 Structures Signify
Unit 7 Sentence Connector (2): Pro-forms and Ellipsis
Unit 8 Coping with Numbers and Names
Unit 9 Inference and Knowledge of the World
Unit 10 Culture Bound – & General Conclusion –


脚本/構成: 奥 聡 (北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)、ジェフリー・ゲーマン (北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)、ジャン・ジュヒョク(北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)

Opening year:2020 Tags: English, Japanese, General Education Courses, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies Lecture Date:2020年4月14日

Sustainability Studies beyond Hollywood Film

この動画では、2018年度に実施された “英米文学 Sustainability Studies beyond Holllywood Film (2018)” のファイナルプレゼンテーションの様子をご覧いただけます。

動画01:Eijun SENAHA、”Introduction”
動画02:Group01-Team Future’s Elderly、”Final Presentation ~Loneliness Problems of the Elderly in Sapporo~”
動画03:Group02-Team Drop Dead Divas、”Final Presntation”
動画04:Group03-Team Over the Rainbow、”Increase the Acceptance of Transgender People”
動画05:Eijun SENAHA、”Discussion”


Key Words :
Sustainable Development、literature、gender equality、health promotion、environment、cultural diversity、rural development、peace & human security、sustainable consumption、sustainable urbanization、global issues

Course Objectives?:
The emphasis of this course is placed on achievement of comprehension skills of English language and its application to understand global issues raised in UNDESD (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Course Goals?:
These skills will enable you to intellectually participate in the issues that involve our world.

Course Schedule :
After we analyze a film TRANSAMERICA、we will be divided by teams based on the SD topic(s)、study real world by doing a survey/research、meeting people、and visiting offices for better understanding of what is happening、so we can find solution(s) for the better world. Each team will have four presentations; proposal、film analysis、reality analysis、and suggestion/solution. Details will be announced in the first class meeting.

Homework :
Read handouts for each class meeting and work on individual/group projects

Grading System:
Class Contribution、presentations、and Report

Website of Laboratory?:

Additional Information:
English is the only language used in this course、as HUSTEP students are expected to register this under the same course title with the different system. Please visit HU OCW (https://ocw.hokudai.ac.jp/lecture/english-and-american-literature-2015) to experience what we do in the final presentations.



瀬名波 栄潤(北海道大学大学院文学研究科)

Opening year:2018 Tags: English, Search by Graduate School, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language, Letters, Faculty of Letters Lecture Date:2019年8月13日

Sustainability Studies beyond Hollywood Films

この動画では、2017年度に実施された “英米文学 Sustainability Studies beyond Holllywood Films (2017)” のファイナルプレゼンテーションの様子をご覧いただけます。

動画01:瀬名波 栄潤、”イントロダクション”
動画02:Group01-Team Solution Squad、”Brown Bears in Sapporo、Hokkaido”
動画03:Group02-Team Ocean、”Have a good campus life!”
動画04:Group03-Team IU、”Making both sexual minorities and majorities understand LGBT better”
動画05:Group04-Love u Kiddo、”Society and Parenting: a reconcilable opposition?”
動画06:Group05-Team Namilotte、”Introducing LGBT Education at Early Ages?”
動画07:Group06-Team PASTA、”Intergenerational connections between older and younger LGBT people in Sapporo”
動画08:瀬名波 栄潤、”ディスカッション”

The emphasis of this course is placed on achievement of comprehension skills of English language and its application to understand global issues raised in UNDESD (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).


瀬名波 栄潤(北海道大学大学院文学研究科)

Opening year:2017 Tags: English, Search by Graduate School, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language, Letters, Faculty of Letters Lecture Date:2018年7月4日

Sustainability Studies beyond Hollywood Films

The emphasis of this course is placed on achievement of comprehension skills of English language and its application to understand global issues raised in UNDESD (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).


瀬名波 栄潤(北海道大学大学院文学研究科)

Opening year:2016 Tags: English, Search by Graduate School, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language, Letters, Faculty of Letters Lecture Date:2017年12月4日

PARE基礎論 ダイジェストビデオ


平成24年度実績 平成25年度実績 平成26年度実績

PAREプログラムとは、文科省平成24年度事業「大学の世界展開力強化事業」に採択された教育プログラムであり、正式名称を「人口・活動・資源・環境の負の連環を転換させるフロンティア人材育成プログラム (英名:Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in a Population-Activities-Resources-Environments (PARE) Chain )」といいます。




「基礎科目」は、PARE課題の解決の基礎力となる一連の講義「Introduction to PARE」



PAREセントラルオフィス(国際本部2F)PARE Program Central Office
電話番号 : 011-706-8014 FAX : 011-706-8037



Opening year:2015 Tags: English, Graduate School of Public Policy, Search by Graduate School, Inter-Faculty Classes, Engineering/Information, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Fisheries Science, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Ice sheets and glaciers are an active,dynamic part of the Earth’s climate system on time-scales of decades and more. More than 90% of the terrestrial freshwater reserves are stored in these ice masses. Their complete disintegration would lead to a global sea-level rise of approximately 70 meters and would have severe impacts on the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Against the background of future global climate warming due to ongoing emissions of greenhouse gases,understanding the behaviour of these ice bodies is of great relevance. In this lecture,based on the general framework of continuum-mechanical balance equations,the dynamics and thermodynamics of ice sheets (including attached ice shelves) and glaciers will be treated.


Ralf GREVE(低温科学研究所)

Opening year:2010 Tags: English, Institute of low Temperature Science, Search by Graduate School, Graduate School of Environmental Science Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Ice sheets and glaciers are an active,dynamic part of the Earth’s climate system on time-scales of decades and more. More than 90% of the terrestrial freshwater reserves are stored in these ice masses. Their complete disintegration would lead to a global sea-level rise of approximately 70 meters and would have severe impacts on the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Against the background of future global climate warming due to ongoing emissions of greenhouse gases,understanding the behaviour of these ice bodies is of great relevance. In this lecture,based on the general framework of continuum-mechanical balance equations,the dynamics and thermodynamics of ice sheets (including attached ice shelves) and glaciers will be treated.


Ralf GREVE(低温科学研究所)

Opening year:2006 Tags: English, Institute of low Temperature Science, Search by Graduate School, Physical Sciences/Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

This course aims to obtain deeper knowledge on rock engineering. Time-dependent deformation of rock including creep and fatigue and effects of various conditions on rock deformation and failure are described first. And then characteristics of rock mass,concept of initial stress and its measurement will also be covered. Finally,applications to slope stability and underground opening will be described.


Prof. Yoshiaki FUJII (工学研究院)

Opening year:2005 Tags: English, Search by Graduate School, Engineering/Information, Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Sustainability Studies beyond Hollywood Films

The emphasis of this course is placed on achievement of comprehension skills of English language and its application to understand global issues raised in UNDESD (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development).


瀬名波 栄潤(北海道大学大学院文学研究科)

Opening year:2015 Tags: English, Search by Graduate School, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language, Letters, Faculty of Letters Lecture Date:2017年8月9日


PARE(Population Activities Resources Environments)プログラムは、国・文化・専門分野が異なる学生と共に学び、アジアの「人口・活動・資源・環境」に関する様々な問題を解決し、アジアの発展に主導的な役割を果たすことができるフロンティア人材の育成のため、北海道大学とインドネシア・タイの協定校が大學教育コンソーシアムを設立し共同で運営しているプログラムです。将来、研究者、技術者として化石資源、金属資源、水資源、土地資源、海洋資源の持続的利用に従事する者を対象に、これまでの諸資源の利用に伴う環境問題、社会問題との連関、その改善、監視に資する技術とその適用効果について理解を深めるとともに、将来展望を描くことを目標としています。



第1回 Idea on Sustainability of Marine Ecosystem (藤井賢彦)
第2回 Conversation and Social Justice (笹岡正俊)
第3回 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service (Alice Sharp)
第4回 Green Growth and Economic Transformation (吉田文和)


藤井 賢彦(北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院)、笹岡 正俊(北海道大学大学院文学研究科)、Alice Sharp(タマサート大学)、吉田文和(愛知学院大学/北海道大学)、Henny Osbar(リーディング大学)、Sumardjo(ボゴール大学)

Opening year:2016 Tags: English, Graduate School of Public Policy, Search by Graduate School, Inter-Faculty Classes, Engineering/Information, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Fisheries Science, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture Lecture Date:2017年8月9日


【テーマ Theme】
―世界の課題に取り組む大学の新たな組織づくりとサステイナビリティ・オフィスの役割Team building toward a sustainable future
― New university regime for global issues and the role of a sustainable campus office

【趣旨 Purpose】

 Hokkaido University annually holds a unique event “Sustainability Weeks” that has been offering various workshops and symposiums since 2007、precedential to G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in 2008 where Sapporo Sustainability Declaration was made、to researchers、students、and general public in the world to discuss sustainability issues. The International Symposium on Creation of Sustainable Campuses is one of the symposiums organized during Sustainability Weeks. This is the 5th year to hold the international symposium on sustainable campuses.
 In the last symposium、2014、a new role of a campus at higher educations was suggested by both of the keynote speakers. A university campus is transforming to be an important place for social learning. Problem based learning programs in sustainability science consolidate the knowledge of faculty、the ideas of students、and the needs of the society. The transformation of an entire university from an ivory tower is essential for our sustainable future.
 Then、what’s the key of this transformation? How would we move the whole of university? In this year、2015、from 3 keynote speeches、we drill down to means of team building、the role of a sustainable campus office、and the integration of top-commitment and bottom-up approach.


ジュリー・ニューマン(マサチューセッツ工科大学)、ジェームス・タンシー(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)、田中 英紀(名古屋大学)、吉見 宏(北海道大学経済学研究科)、佐藤 博(札幌市市長政策室)、川端 和重(北海道大学副学長)、三上 隆(北海道大学副学長)、小篠 隆生(北海道大学工学研究院)、...

Opening year:2014 Tags: English, Japanese, Center for Sustainability Science Education and research, Sustainability Week, Search by Public Lecture, Inter-Faculty Classes, University Wide Undergraduate Education Program, Inter-disciplinary Studies/School Festival Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Center for Open Education at Hokkaido University

Center for Open Education is a department to leverage OER to accelerate online learning around Hokkaido University. Center for OE develops OERs in blended learning to improve student engagement and learning outcomes for both on its own campus and on the consortium by public universities in Hokkaido region. These OERs are for undergraduate courses,special-education programs and international programs. Center for OE collaborates with Center for Engineering Education Development (CEED) in the School of Engineering at Hokkaido U.

// links
Center for Open Education
Academic Commons for Education (ACE)
Center for Engineering Education Development (CEED)

Instructor: Opening year:2016 Tags: English, Search by Public Lecture, Engineering/Information, Faculty of Engineering, Information Technology Center, Education/Tutorials, Faculty of Education Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

War History and Memory in Japan

To discuss World War II from a Japanese perspective and the war’s continued impact on modern Japanese society.

Week 1: Course Introduction:
the war stories of Allen Nelson and Ayako Kurahashi
Week 2: Theoretical Approaches to War Memory:
what is the “history issue” and why does World War II history still matter in contemporary Japan and East Asia?
Week 3: An Overview of War History:
themes,issues and debates
Week 4: The Japanese Media:
mapping war discourses in Japan
Week 5: War Responsibility:
the position of the Japanese government
Week 6: Commemoration:
the Yasukuni issue and remembering the dead
Week 7: Student presentations
Week 8: Student presentations
Week 9: Student presentations
Week 10: Student presentations
Week 11: History Education:
textbooks and history education
Week 12: War Crimes:
the mass killing of civilians from Nanking to Nagasaki
Week 13: War and the Family:
when the personal is very political (submission of the book review).
Week 14: Towards the Future:
can the “history issue” be solved?
Week 15: Conclusions,submission of term papers.


シートン・フィリップ (メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)

Opening year:2010 Tags: English, General Education Courses, Center for Language Learning, Literature/Thought/Language, Faculty of Letters Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Writing Academic Essays at University

国立大学法人北海道大学国際本部 日本語研修コース教育課程(予備課程)
現代日本学プログラム の講義資料を公開しています。


シートン フィリップ(北海道大学大学院メディアコミュニケーション研究院)

Opening year:2014 Tags: English, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language, Faculty of Letters, Modern Japanese Studies Program Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

植物生理学 (1876)

このたび北海道大学オープンコースウェアは、大学文書館と共同で、大学文書館が所蔵しております当時の講義ノートの一部をデジタル化し、WEB 上で公開することといたしました。


W. S. Clark教授 / 佐藤 昌介 著

Opening year:1876-1881 Tags: English, Japanese, Search by Public Lecture, Archives, Education/Tutorials, Faculty of Education, Agriculture, School of Agriculture Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

Original Video Materials:
1. Tips for English Speech Sounds (Unit 1-5)
2. Tips for Writing Sensible Paragraphs (Unit 6-10)
3. Steps toward Attractive Presentations (Unit 11-14)

1. 英語発音の基礎 (Unit 1-5)
2. パラグラフライティングの基礎 (Unit 6-10)
3. 魅力的なプレゼンテーションに向けて (Unit 11-14)


奥 聡、 土永 孝、 辻本 篤、 ジェフ ゲーマン(北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)

Opening year:2015 Tags: English, Japanese, General Education Courses, Center for Language Learning, Search by Undergraduate School, Literature/Thought/Language Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

本冊子は、情報学Iの授業で使われた情報倫理に関する資料です。留学生への対応のため、日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語の教材と なっています。なお、日本語教材は、文章や漫画のセリフを クリックすることで中国語の音声が流れるようになっています。
This material was created with the supported of JSPS KAKENHI (20500823/23501129) /


布施 泉 (北海道大学情報基盤センター)

Opening year:2012 Tags: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, General Education Courses, Engineering/Information, Faculty of Engineering, Information Technology Center Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

How Bad is the Reactor Meltdown in Japan?

カブリ理論物理学研究所で開催された「オープンコースウェア・セミナー How Bad is the Reactor Meltdown in Japan?」の映像資料をご覧いただけます。


Prof. Benjamin Monreal(UCSB)

Opening year:2010 Tags: English, Japanese, Search by Public Lecture, Engineering/Information, Faculty of Engineering, Information Technology Center, Education/Tutorials Lecture Date:2017年8月9日

The cell’s protein factory and how antibiotics block it

英国MRC研究所のVenki Ramakrishnan 博士は、細胞のタンパク質合成装置リボソームの立体構造を決定し、その機能を個々の原子配置に基づいて解明した功績により、2009年度ノーベル化学賞を受賞しました。この度、北大の学術交流会館にて、学生・一般市民対象の講演をお願いしました。今回の講演では、リボソームの働きと、それを阻害するさまざまな抗生物質の働きについて、わかりやすく説明していただきます。


Venki Ramakrishnan (英国MRC研究所)

Opening year:2010 Tags: English, Nobel Prize, Search by Public Lecture, Physical Sciences/Natural Sciences Lecture Date:2017年8月9日
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