ジュリー・ニューマン(マサチューセッツ工科大学)、ジェームス・タンシー(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)、田中 英紀(名古屋大学)、吉見 宏(北海道大学経済学研究科)、佐藤 博(札幌市市長政策室)、川端 和重(北海道大学副学長)、三上 隆(北海道大学副学長)、小篠 隆生(北海道大学工学研究院)、武村 理雪(北海道大学国際本部)、佐々木 力(北海道大学施設部)、新保 幸一(文部科学省)、池上真紀(北海道大学サステイナブルキャンパス推進本部)
Information about Courses
ジュリー・ニューマン(マサチューセッツ工科大学)、ジェームス・タンシー(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)、田中 英紀(名古屋大学)、吉見 宏(北海道大学経済学研究科)、佐藤 博(札幌市市長政策室)、川端 和重(北海道大学副学長)、三上 隆(北海道大学副学長)、小篠 隆生(北海道大学工学研究院)、武村 理雪(北海道大学国際本部)、佐々木 力(北海道大学施設部)、新保 幸一(文部科学省)、池上真紀(北海道大学サステイナブルキャンパス推進本部)
【テーマ Theme】
―世界の課題に取り組む大学の新たな組織づくりとサステイナビリティ・オフィスの役割Team building toward a sustainable future
― New university regime for global issues and the role of a sustainable campus office
【趣旨 Purpose】
Hokkaido University annually holds a unique event “Sustainability Weeks” that has been offering various workshops and symposiums since 2007、precedential to G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in 2008 where Sapporo Sustainability Declaration was made、to researchers、students、and general public in the world to discuss sustainability issues. The International Symposium on Creation of Sustainable Campuses is one of the symposiums organized during Sustainability Weeks. This is the 5th year to hold the international symposium on sustainable campuses.
In the last symposium、2014、a new role of a campus at higher educations was suggested by both of the keynote speakers. A university campus is transforming to be an important place for social learning. Problem based learning programs in sustainability science consolidate the knowledge of faculty、the ideas of students、and the needs of the society. The transformation of an entire university from an ivory tower is essential for our sustainable future.
Then、what’s the key of this transformation? How would we move the whole of university? In this year、2015、from 3 keynote speeches、we drill down to means of team building、the role of a sustainable campus office、and the integration of top-commitment and bottom-up approach.
―世界の課題に取り組む大学の新たな組織づくりとサステイナビリティ・オフィスの役割Team building toward a sustainable future
― New university regime for global issues and the role of a sustainable campus office
【趣旨 Purpose】
Hokkaido University annually holds a unique event “Sustainability Weeks” that has been offering various workshops and symposiums since 2007、precedential to G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in 2008 where Sapporo Sustainability Declaration was made、to researchers、students、and general public in the world to discuss sustainability issues. The International Symposium on Creation of Sustainable Campuses is one of the symposiums organized during Sustainability Weeks. This is the 5th year to hold the international symposium on sustainable campuses.
In the last symposium、2014、a new role of a campus at higher educations was suggested by both of the keynote speakers. A university campus is transforming to be an important place for social learning. Problem based learning programs in sustainability science consolidate the knowledge of faculty、the ideas of students、and the needs of the society. The transformation of an entire university from an ivory tower is essential for our sustainable future.
Then、what’s the key of this transformation? How would we move the whole of university? In this year、2015、from 3 keynote speeches、we drill down to means of team building、the role of a sustainable campus office、and the integration of top-commitment and bottom-up approach.
Course Materials
English, Japanese, Center for Sustainability Science Education and research, Sustainability Week, Search by Public Lecture, Inter-Faculty Classes, University Wide Undergraduate Education Program, Inter-disciplinary Studies/School Festival
Video List of this lecture