Information about Courses
シートン・フィリップ (メディア・コミュニケーション研究院/外国語教育センター)
To discuss World War II from a Japanese perspective and the war's continued impact on modern Japanese society.
Week 1: Course Introduction:
the war stories of Allen Nelson and Ayako Kurahashi
Week 2: Theoretical Approaches to War Memory:
what is the “history issue” and why does World War II history still matter in contemporary Japan and East Asia?
Week 3: An Overview of War History:
themes,issues and debates
Week 4: The Japanese Media:
mapping war discourses in Japan
Week 5: War Responsibility:
the position of the Japanese government
Week 6: Commemoration:
the Yasukuni issue and remembering the dead
Week 7: Student presentations
Week 8: Student presentations
Week 9: Student presentations
Week 10: Student presentations
Week 11: History Education:
textbooks and history education
Week 12: War Crimes:
the mass killing of civilians from Nanking to Nagasaki
Week 13: War and the Family:
when the personal is very political (submission of the book review).
Week 14: Towards the Future:
can the “history issue” be solved?
Week 15: Conclusions,submission of term papers.
Course Materials
My Father’s Dying Wish (Classroom Materials)
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English, General Education Courses, Center for Language Learning, Literature/Thought/Language, Faculty of Letters
Units, etc.
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